Friday, November 09, 2007


I better increase my water intake. I don't know what my deal is. Everytime I watch one of my "shows", I cry when someone else cries. Brothers & Sisters, Kitty looses baby, she cries, I cry. Sara's husband gets custody of their kids, not only do I cry, but I feel like I've been punched in the stomach. I can't even imagine that one.

Moving along....

Grey's Anatomy is one of my MOST favorite shows. However what my view on this at this moment can be summed up in one word. If its even a word. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzz BOOORRING! Anytime Meredith and McDreamy are in the same scene, they are in bed, and they are "done". There is NO lust, no romance, no nothing, but a "come on Meredith, quit being a Biatch" from me.

Izzy and George? I really liked them, until they got together. Now all I feel is ZZZZZZZZZZz booorring! I do like how Kristina is being dissed by that manly chic. Boy did she put her in her place. But I can see how this is going to make Kristina a better surgeon, because she is showing how bad she wants to be a cardiothoracic surgeon. I would like to place my bet by saying that I am quite certain that the reason that manly chic is not attracted to Mark is because she is a lesbian. And by saying that, I am in no way implying that I have anything against anyone and their sexual orientation. I'm just saying that I have a 'feeling' on this one. When you see it and if she comes out, "remember me. I called it", lol.

Last night, we were so tired. Den was unconscious by 9. So I DVR'd Greys. After watching it, I almost deleted it. Because it was dumb, boring and ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzz

BUT I must add before I go, that there is news that with this writers strike that is going on, MANY shows, including Grey's could be done by Christmas. Then what???? ZZZZZZZZZZZ


  1. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Yeah, Grey's is Boring. Capital B. boring. My theory is that they split up the writing team to send some over to Private Practice. However that show is boring too. So I think they should cancel Private Practice and bring it all back.

    I think what annoys me most is that there used to so much interaction between the characters themselves but now they seem to bring in story lines that almost always involve a sick and/or dying baby. It's so annoying.

  2. I must say that I didn't like Private Practice at first, however, I do like it now. The story lines are better right now than on Grey's. I wish on Grey's, everyone would get out of bed. Getting there is more than half the fun. Put some life back into the show. This Meredith and her sister thing is just dumb.
