Monday, October 15, 2007

Our Home has Grown by 8 Feet!

Sunday morning, I was sitting in the living room, watching the local tragedy channel (aka the news), and a different squirrel showed up. I looked over and thought... uh oh. Fuznuts going to be quite miffed. I started wondering if squirrels are territorial. Sure looks like it the way they chase each other around. Then seconds later... another squirrel shows up. Then panicked I start thinking, OMG, what have I done? Dennis is going to kill me. My obsession and genuine interest in outdoor critters now has us overrun by the little rodents. But again, I am thinking of Fuznut. These sure surely not "our" squirrel, because they did not have the telltale bump on the nose. But they were definitely, in fact much smaller than Fuznut.

Remember the nipple picture above?

Instantly, I knew WHO they were. Not only are Chip and Dale tiny little squirrels, they are FUZNUT'S babies!

She showed up very shortly after we discovered them. I believe they are living in the tree in our backyard... the one we are shooting steriods into to make it grow faster. We lost all of our street lining trees last year to the emerald ash borer. So now it looks like we live in a new neighborhood... with old houses. Sunday morning was quite an adventure to discover them. They are very quick, and wirey. They are very little too. One of them lunged at the doorwall and gave Pumpkin a sudden case of alopecia. With a thud of the glass, the cats flew off their haunches and were pacing at their "Cat TV" - again, aka the doorwall.

I'm sure you are bored to death with my personal account of National Geographic, but for those of you who aren't I had to share this with you. And as you can see from before... I AM my parent's child... Enjoy the pic's. These squirrels don't seem to be at all camera shy. In fact, I had to open up the doorwall to shoo one of them off my screen! Kitty's were instantly thinking "Yummy, roasted squirrel for breakfast", but I quickly reminded them that they are the resident doily's and they are to REMAIN inside the house. Otherwise, they may find their bowls flying out the door behind them.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:47 PM

    So you have quite the family going on now. That is so cool. Trooper chases the poor squirrels out of our yard. Then pees on the corn. Good thing you don't have a dog. lol
