Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Feeling the Love...

Mr. and Mrs. Putter (my parents who putt around the canals in a little boat) have a cat. Or should I say another CHILD who happens to be covered in fur. Andy is his name. I have this feeling that he is their favorite out of ALL of us.

Andy has his own place setting at the table. He sits in a chair, and puts his paws up on his own "special" placemat and from there, they serve him treats. Andy is not fond of children, however he seems to remember me and Den quite well, since we saved him and gave him a life of luxury over at the house of Putter.

Apparently Andy has developed a "problem". Something on his face appeared askew. Mrs. Putter emailed her BIG BUCKS Vet and of course, "they needed to see him". So without hesitation, Mr. Retired Putter put the well pampered kitty into the limo and chauffered him over to Dr. Warbucks.

One hour later Mr. Putter and his precious flea bag return. Apparently Andy had a $160 pimple on his chin. As Mrs. Putter puts it, "they seduced him into Never, Never Land and popped the damn thing, but first the shaved his chin".

Along with his acne ridden flea bag, Mr. Putter came in with an arm load of medications. Dr. Warbucks apparently found ONE flea, so another $42 later, and Andy has a dermatological "ointment".

As a child, I once sliced my toe open on a rusty coffee can while on vacation. Not only did I NOT go to the hospital for stitches, we continued to play at the beach.

I will say though that as time has gone on, my mother has changed. When my sister and I were both pregnant, we weren't allowed to reach over our heads for anything for fear that we would "wrap the cord" around the babies neck. Instead we had to carry around a 50 pound step stool. One that makes you just about push the baby out - to carry the damn thing.

Enjoy your acne Andy and quit eating fried mice.

BTW... I would have posted a photo of zit face on here, but Mrs. Putter apparently is too busy filing his nails, brushing his teeth and massaging him to snap a photo.


  1. My mom and step-dad are the same way with their dog. They just came out to NY for Max's baptism and they were worried for the whole weekend because it was the 1st time they left her. OMG!

  2. I love animals with people names. Maybe we can schedule a play date between Andy and my cat Jerry!

  3. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Love the nickname Mr and Mrs Putter.

    Andy's complexion may improve if he were on the leg of lamb and organic carrots diet the some other cats I know of feast on.

    However, my dog has his own room and I have been known to cook him his own meal.

  4. OMG you guys are killing me. The Putter name, I believe, came from my Sister In Law Pattie who is now a Wamplerbilly, lol. Let's see how long it takes her to respond to that. lol.

    Mel, we can get Andy, Jerry and Charlie together to play, lol. That should go over like a lead balloon. :o)

    Yes, I think leg of lamb and organic carrots should be sufficient for sir Andy. He just needs a crystal bowl.

    Andy needs to be rubbed out, as he's sucking up my inheritance, all $5 of it, lol.

  5. This was a great post!! I was laughing the entire time, thinking of all the crazy thing we have done for our cats!

    I'm sure Matt & I will be exactly like you parents when we retire!!
