Tuesday, October 31, 2006

John Kerry and the White House...

I ABSOLUTELY AGREE that he should not apologize. When I keep turning on the news and hearing about how many soldiers were killed last night or yesterday, or even today, it pisses me off. While I know the media can be very good at slanting information, it still gets to me. I personally can not think of one thing positive I have heard of going on with our troops in Iraq. When I hear of soldiers that are younger than I am, dying over there, (yes I KNOW... it was their choice to join the services) it makes me sick. Someone just lost their baby. If it were to ever come to it when Greg is of age, and there is a draft... our new address will have Canada on the bottom of it. I can not believe we still have people over there. Are they even making a dent? Are they even able to help people that don't seem to want us there at all?

GMA did a thing yesterday on this. The only thing that school age children are able to do outside of their homes, is go to school. They can not play outside. They can at school, only because it is surrounded by gates, and armed men to protect them. How is it that what we are doing is going to benefit them? There are so many extremists over there, with god knows what going on in their pea sized brains that, how are we ever going to over take them, and why is it our business to do so? 9/11 wouldn't have ever happened if they would have caught them right here on the home front. Is the U.S. going to go after every country that has a wacko in it? How realistic is that.

Now I know that many people wouldn't have read past the first paragraph on here, and that's fine with me. I just happened to read the thing below on John Kerry (I got it off Comcast.net) and it got me fired up.

I would like you to know that I DID not vote for Bush, I can't stand the man, and if he were to come to my door, I would kick his ass off of my property. Somewhere in Texas a village is missing their idiot. I can not wait for him to get out of office. Republican or Democrat. Which ever comes next, it HAS to be better than what we have now.

And that is my .02 cents.
WASHINGTON - The White House accused Sen. John Kerry on Tuesday of troop-bashing, seizing on a comment the Democrat made to California students that those unable to navigate the country's education system "get stuck in Iraq."
"Senator Kerry not only owes an apology to those who are serving, but also to the families of those who've given their lives in this," White House press secretary Tony Snow said. "This is an absolute insult."
Kerry, a decorated Vietnam veteran and President Bush's 2004 rival, fired back.
He said he had been criticizing Bush, not the "heroes serving in Iraq," and said the president and his administration are the ones who owe U.S. troops an apology because they "misled America into war and have given us a Katrina foreign policy that has betrayed our ideals, killed and maimed our soldiers, and widened the terrorist threat instead of defeating it."
"This is the classic GOP playbook," Kerry said in a harshly worded statement. "I'm sick and tired of these despicable Republican attacks that always seem to come from those who never can be found to serve in war, but love to attack those who did. I'm not going to be lectured by a stuffed suit White House mouthpiece standing behind a podium."
One week before the midterm elections, the two parties are searching for any edge amid indications Democrats could take back the House and possibly win control of the Senate.
Snow was asked about the comment which Kerry made during a campaign rally Monday for California Democratic gubernatorial candidate Phil Angelides. The White House spokesman was clearly ready, consulting his notes to read a fuller account of Kerry's statement and unleashing a sharp attack.
Separately, the White House issued President Bush's Veterans' Day proclamation praising those who have served in the armed forces _ a week and a half before the holiday.
The Massachusetts senator, who is considering another presidential run in 2008, had opened his speech at Pasadena City College with several one-liners, joking at one point that Bush had lived in Texas but now "lives in a state of denial."
Then he said: "You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."
Snow said the quote "fits a pattern" of negative remarks from Kerry about U.S. soldiers and suggested that whether Democratic candidates _ particularly those running on their military service backgrounds _ agree with their 2004 standard-bearer should be a campaign litmus test.
Unsubstantiated allegations about Kerry's Vietnam War heroism from a group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth figured prominently in the 2004 Kerry-Bush race. Even Kerry has blamed his slow and uncertain response to the group's claims for helping doom his White House chances.
Snow said a lot of Americans have joined the military since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
"As for the notion that you can say this sort of thing about the troops and say you support them, it's interesting," the press secretary said.
A potential rival to Kerry in 2008 _ Republican Sen. John McCain _ said in a statement that Kerry "owes an apology to the many thousands of Americans serving in Iraq, who answered their country's call because they are patriots and not because of any deficiencies in their education."
Like Kerry, McCain is a decorated Vietnam veteran.
House Majority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, also called on Kerry to apologize, labeling his comments "disrespectful and insulting to the men and women serving in our military."
Associated Press Writer Michael Blood in Los Angeles contributed to this report.


  1. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Tony Snow is an a-hole. Seriously. Have you ever heard him interviewed by a news program? He tries to turn everything into a confratation with the interviewer. Fitting that Bush-y has him as the spokesperson, no?

    I voted for Kerry, I thought Bush totally manipulated America into this war from the very beginning. It all comes down to Oil, Money and Greedy old men.

    This message in no way is meant to disrespect the soldiers that are enlisted to protect our country.

  2. Anonymous8:45 AM

    John Kerry Heinz is an elitist snob and that has nothing to do with George Bush or the war. Do you think that the men and women that are serving our country are stupid and uneducated? How can he say that you need to make sure you study hard and get good grades or you'll get stuck in Iraq and then wonder why people would take issue with the comment? Our soldiers are over there serving our country - whether or not you support the war - they are over there serving our country so we don't have to have a draft and you are going to support a man who thinks that only stupid people join the military? What kind of future would our country have with leadership like that? The comment is an insult to our soldiers. Politics aside - I don't care if John Kerry and George Bush both dry up and blow away, but what is our country without our military?

  3. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Some of us "older" folks have been through a very similar situation back in the late 60's, and it went on for a loooong time. The big difference was that we were close in age to those who were in that war....we lost boyfiends, husbands, brothers, and friends. Today, we are those same people, but we are older. Now we are losing sons and maybe even grandsons. The mere thought of losing a family member or anyone close to us in ANY war, will probably make us opposed to war. I ask myself what I would do if I were in Bush's chair? Would I want to find out? Talk about an Excedrin headache! I have a feeling I'd want to be back in my own house with my own mundane tasks! I know I could never suggest to my husband or sons that we move out of the USA to avoid them getting drafted. Which country would we choose?? Ugh!
