Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Did you know....

Ok, if you can't talk about bodily functions without getting all weirded out, then read no further...

Greg had a bit of tummy trouble this month. It started at the beginning of the month. He had diarrhea. Not wanting to be a panicky parent, I didn't haul him off to the doctor. I just chalked it up to him eating something that was unagreeable with him. Sometimes it takes more than a couple days to get it out.

So it goes into a week... we're starting to get ready for Mike & Mary Ann's wedding. He still has it. We go to Tennessee... he still has it and it's getting worse. For the first time in his potty trained life, he's had accident after accident causing us to buy new jockaroo's for the boy. We have now decided to have him seen by the doctor upon returning home.

We gave him Immodium the day of the wedding, and again the day we left. So we get home, and I'm talking to Donna (Emilys Godmother). I tell her what's up and she says, Give him Yogurt. (Here's where all my medical knowledge went out the window). It has live bacteria in it that your GI system needs. She says, give him that, if it doesn't go away, take him in to be seen.

It worked! Apparently when he first got the diarrhea, it flushed out all of the good bacteria in his little tummy, so he couldn't stop "going". Den picked up the yogurt, we gave it to him for a couple days and I am so happy to report the problem is fixed!

WAHOO Auntie Donna!!! What a great tip that was, and we didn't have to run to the doctor.

So, Donna says... whenever you are taking antibiotics, or have diarrhea for a few days, eat yogurt. It will "fix" your tummy!

I wonder if that will work on too much Halloween Candy???


  1. Anonymous1:07 PM

    good to know! Thanks for sharing

  2. Anonymous11:32 AM

    FYI: Activa, advertised on TV all of the time, is supposed to be good for adults. Probably just a new take on the yogurt idea.

  3. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Ooops forgot.....women also take yogurt while on antibiotics to help prevent yeast infections. This isn't new news.
