Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Crazy for a Reason

Sometimes I feel that I have to watch what I say to certain people about my feelings on prescription drugs. I mean here I am, working in health care where prescription drug use is the norm. I see people every day, that just want the "quick fix" in a pill. Unfortunately I'm not one of those people. I am mostly against prescription drug use, because I feel that it is important to get to the root of the problem, instead of masking it. However, I MUST ADD that some things NEED the drugs. For these problems, it is impossible to "fix" the problem, so therefore the drugs are needed. So before anyone starts spouting off on the defensive side, know that if your "issue" can not be solved in another way, then I 100% agree that you need the meds. THERE.

So, this past week hasn't been a cake walk for me. As you know, I've had this dumb sinusitis. Along with my antibiotics, I was prescribed Deconamine which is an allergy pill. I took 1 Deconamine and spent the next 12 hours stoned... waiting and praying it would wear off. I must add that I was at work during this "episode". During my impairment, I lost an entire box of new scalpels, forgot why I was calling a patient on the phone, right about the time they answered, and gave my coworkers some really good laughs. Just as it wore off, my doctor happened to walk in, wearing a tee shirt and jeans. He had just brought an Ultrasound Machine to the practice (which is next door). I told him what happened, so he told me to grab samples of Allegra D. Allegra is a great allergy medication, however the "D" has been having a profound effect on me.

While I can't believe how well I am breathing, the side effects are killer. Just this past weekend, I went to my "happy place" which is Nino's of course, and had a very strange thing happen. In fact, it almost required a paperbag to cure the problem. I am chalking all of this anxiety up to the meds that I am taking. Lucky for me, the antibiotics will be finished tomorrow night, however, I desperately need to find an alternative to this Allegra D. I have been avoiding coffee like the plague, because the caffeine in combination with the pseudoepedrine are making me feel like I'm nuts. Literally.

So... I need to get to the root of my seasonal allergy problem, because the current course of treatment just isn't working. Well it's working, but it's doing more than I would prefer. I can't just stop taking it without another method, because that's one reason I ended up with the sinusitis in the first place. Well that and the fact that I didn't finish my antibiotics the first time... in March.

Operators are standing by. Feel free to post your "holistic methods" for my reading pleasure.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:20 AM

    This isn't "holistic", but perhaps it would get to the "root" of your problem and eliminate the need for prescription meds, especially those that have side effects that are so annoying.
    Move to Arizona!
