Sunday, September 28, 2008

Remedy & Research

And so it starts.... cold and flu season that is. In about 2 weeks, I've had both. Last week, Emily came down with the stomach flu or "Gastritis". At first, I really thought maybe 4th grade was already stressing her out. Much to my relief, it wasn't so. I'm quite certain it came from that petri dish they call a school. Regardless, she missed a day of school.

Then the next day, Den came home from work around 11pm. He was sick. At 4am, I woke up sick. It was the week from hell... and my tummy still isn't back to normal.

So here is what I found...
About a year ago a woman gave me a "tip". I remember her words exactly, "When you get the stomach flu, start drinking straight tomato juice right away. Not V8, it HAS TO BE straight tomato juice." As I was laying in bed with my tummy rolling and rolling, this womans voice popped right into my head. Immediately I got up, went to the pantry and popped open a jar of tomato juice that my mom had canned the season before.

You may be cringing at the thought, but in all honesty, it wasn't bad at all. I too was thinking, why on earth would you want to drink THAT? So I did some quick research and I found this.
Let me tell you... 1/2 way through the first jar, my stomach had stopped turning. Unfortunately I didn't follow the instructions as directed, and had a horrendous relapse. So the next day, I tried it again and I followed the directions to the letter... and it worked! I am happy to say I am almost 100%!

While my new found remedy has worked quite well, I have a new mission. I AM SICK OF BEING SICK!!!!! I have had enough, and it's not even October yet!!! I have started thinking about probiotics. I don't know a lot about them, but I have heard that they can work quite well to keep you healthy. I would like to find something that my whole family can take. I am sure I have a lot of research ahead of me, but then today something occurred to me. Who better to ask, then you, my health conscious blogger friends!

Inquiring minds want to know.... do you know anything about probiotics? What are your thoughts on them? At this point, I am willing to do about anything to just stay well this winter, so please make your recommendations.


  1. I don't really know anything about pro-biotics. I've just decided to start living in a bubble. I am very very afraid of the stomach flu.

  2. Anonymous7:12 PM

    PB8. Pb8. PB8. I get them at the local vitamin store. They rock. I take 2 every day. Helps me with sinus stuff and belly stuff.
    Love them.
