Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Week in Review...

I'm a scatter brain. A total scatter brain. I have been a mental train wreck all week. Yesterday I almost went to work 4 hours early... because I was "confused". That is until Den pointed out on the calendar that I didn't have to be there until 2. So anyway, that is why I'm not so frequent on my postings.

I would like to point out however... two things that I am suddenly interested in... First off, being Miralee's posting on her new book she is reading. I was so engrossed in The Secret Keeper, that I am now hot on the trail for a new great read. I'm almost ready to throw on my shoes and run up to my nearest Borders so I can keep up with Miralee's blog.

Secondly, Katrina who is Sleepless in Southwest Michigan, posted this on my wine review... I copied and pasted it, just in case some of you might miss it. It is a very great thing when someone gives you a review on wine. Speaking of which... I'm thinking of having a wine tasting party soon. Hmmm I say as my wheels start to turn.

Here is Katrina's comment:
oh, I hav 3 recommendations. For whites:1. Hogue Chardonnay - don't let the screw top fool you this is a light and refreshing Chardonnay.2.Copolla Chardonnay. More full-bodied than the Hogue yet really buttery tasting. It's my fave in the winter.For red:Cavit - Pinot Noir - this is so inexpensive for a Pinot Noir and it's fabulous. Our neighbors in chicago got us hooked on this one. Goes great with Sushi ;)

I can't wait to try Sushi. I will only try it with someone who eats it frequently. I'm not too tripped out by it, because come on... not all fish... tastes like fish. It tastes like CHICKEN! lol.

Wow, so as I was posting on Miranda, aka Miralee, or Mandy as Mel gets to call her, but we have to call her Miranda, and on Katrina who is has always been Katrina, or Katerina (Vitt) as I sometimes call her... I started poking into their blogs to get the links for you... I see they have been very busy people with their updates... So I guess I better get my head out of the clouds and get on it!

Java Jane sees that the half caff is done brewing... off to get a cup o' joe before my "class".


  1. I pretty much only drink red wine. I'm a huge fan of Pinot Noir and Zindandel (not white-red) - but I'm a slummer - meaning I buy whatever is on sale at Meijer usually.

  2. BTW, half caff? That's a big fat why bother. I go for full caff or double caff (which would be a "red eye")

  3. Unfortunately I am very sensitive to caffeine. Too much... my heart starts throwing funny little beats, that I can actually feel.

    Second... if I drink any caffinated coffee after 6pm, I can just resign myself to be awake until it wears off around 4am.

    It sucks. No one else I know is this sensitive to it. :o(

  4. You two are soo funny! I just reading both of your blogs, it really is the highlight of my days. That is unless Max is giving me extra smiles and babbling endlessley - then he takes the cake!

    I for one love all wine. I don't discriminate. There are some that I have had that are really good and some that are not so good but I love nothing more than sitting down with a glass of wine and a good book. Neither of which I get to do very often now that Max has joined our happy little family, but that is one thing I have happily gave up for him!

  5. Anonymous8:09 PM

    How long did I let checking blogs go!!!???

    I LOVE this post. It just cracked me up, as if I were living in your brain or something. Don't judge, I've had 5 hours of sleep in 14 days....
