Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Flat Stanley visits Greece!

Emily got this cool project for school. All the students in second grade were given a "Flat Stanley". They were to color him, and cut him out. Then they were to send him to someone in a different location. The further away the better.

Immediately she wanted to send it to Uncle Mike & Aunt Mary Ann in Crete, Greece. I knew that Mike would have a field day with this one, but what came back was incredible. While most people at school are getting their Flat Stanley's back with a letter and a photo, Emily received hers today in this BEAUTIFUL scrapbook that is almost entirely made out of natural materials. Literally, the cover of this book is made out of leaves.

Flat Stanley's photo is in the cover as you can see from the photo (I had to get a shot of her board, thanking Aunt Mary Ann & Uncle Mike, so I didn't zoom in on the book). In side, page for page, Flat Stanley talks about his trip to Greece. He was treated quite well, as he came back in a clean outfit, and with no tears. He watched Uncle Mike play Racquet Ball with his friends, he ate lunch with Aunt Mary Ann in the Galley. He helped count out a TON of money. (I haven't ever seen that much money in my whole life). He picked Olives, he fed the kitties. He also learned quite a bit about Greece, and the local attractions.

This book is amazing. Once it comes back from her school (I plan on having the TEACHER hold on to it and NOT pass it around), it will be proudly displayed in our living room for all to see. The teacher can let people look at it at her desk, lol.

Mike & Mary Ann, I can not thank you enough for this. It was a simple little project that Emily had to do for school, and what you sent back was incredible. It is very touching to think of all the efforts you went through to put this together. I am totally at a loss on how to thank you for this. It is 100 times better than I could have ever imagined.


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