Friday, December 15, 2006

17 Hours and So Far So Good...

So rather than waste garbage bags, we decided to try another method. Everything that we had to pick up is piled almost to the ceiling. It is almost impossible for them to get anything out of it. These toys are off limits until January 14th. If even one toy is out of place, they are both grounded.

When they came home from school and saw this, their reaction was what we were looking for... shock and disappointment. We're not trying to be cruel, but moreso trying to get a point across. How would they like it if we told them we were going to do something, then never did it?

They are pretty bent out of shape about this, because while they were playing downstairs yesterday, they wanted certain toys, but knew they would be in big trouble if they touched even one.

This weekend the neice and nephew are coming over. These toys are going to remain off limits. I will be downstairs doing other stuff, so it should be fairly easy to enforce the rules.

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