Tuesday, December 11, 2007

More Templates...

You have all inspired me to kick it up a notch with my template... but I'm so bored with the blogger templates. So I've been working on it and have found some really cool stuff. So bear with me while I try to make the changes. I want it to be very cool, but at this moment, it is getting on my nerves!

I'm telling you... my nephews blog has turned into the total Jerry Springer show. I swear, in the time that he has been blogging, there are maybe 5 comments. Suddenly he posts about a childs death and the flood gates to the trailer parks have opened. It is shocking. The thing I don't understand is, all these people seemed to know this child and obviously her parents, yet they did nothing to prevent what happened. It doesn't make sense to me. But if they don't know this child and her parents... what are they going to do? Go commit homicide? These are some extreme people. I swear they are as guilty as the parents are if they chose to do nothing about this situation.

I think I'm going to quit reading his blog until he changes it. The tempers are flying and so is mine... dealing with this stupid template issue.

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