Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Cuz I'm Crazy Like That....

Grande, 2 pump Ginger Bread Latte w/soy, no foam.
Yep. That's my call sign.
I am back in the saddle again. My headaches are somewhat cured. Well they were, until some virus has invaded my sinuses. The left side of my face is suffocating me.
Rest assured that I am NOT turning into a whine bag, I'm just having an issue and need a tissue.
Soooo, I decided NOT go get a Keurig, OR a Tassimo. Nope. I decided to go for the big guns...

Introducing the Starbucks Barista!

Yep. That is what I got. Because 1. Starbucks clearanced them out and I was lucky enough to find one! So now I can make my latte's for a song compared to the $4.45 that Starbucks charges. PLUS I don't have to go out in the cold to get one. SWEET!

I'm sorry Katrina and Janet. I just can't do it. I just can NOT give up my coffee. My passion runs deep for a good cup o' joe.

Now I'll just have to train my brother how to make my latte's when he comes to visit. Because he IS my coffee Biaaaatch, lol.


  1. Ooooooohhhhh....Aaaaahhhhhh. I am in complete envy of you!

    I can just smell the coffee brewing. Oh wait. That is just my boring old coffee from my "regular" old coffee pot. :( LOL!

  2. That's my girl! I used to have an espresso machine - I had lattes every night for about 4 months and then it sat and collected dust for about two years so I gave it away. I'm more of a plain old coffee drinker now so I don't really miss it. But I'm excited for you! Welcome back to the addiction, I mean club :)

  3. When your ready, we'll be here to help you detox your coffee habit. Maybe now is not the right time, but we won't give up! It gets easier every day Val, I swear :-)

    Until then, enjoy your new purchase. It looks really cool, is it hard to use?

  4. I haven't gotten it yet. It is being shipped. You know... Coffee is a GREAT source of antioxidants. I know it is a stimulant, but... I opt for decaf (which I know still has some caffiene in it), many times.
