Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tip O' the Day...

I've known this for a relatively short period of time, but today I read it in Prevention and I feel it deserves a spot on this blog...

ICE = In Case of Emergency.

You should store this (ICE) in your cell phone with the phone number that is to be contacted in case something happens to you. Let me tell you... I can not tell you how many times in the past that I have gone through a patients purse or wallet, including scrolling through a cell phone to contact someone, because the patient was not able to do so, nor communicate to whom the call should be placed. We are all human. Things happen. Be sure that your loved ones can be contacted if something should happen to you.

In my phone I have "ICE - Dennis" and his cell phone. I will be changing it so that it has his cell, home number, and work number.

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