Friday, March 20, 2009

My Big Brain

Couple things on my mind this week. 1. I can't believe that Natasha Richardson died. I saw her in Maid in Manhattan and really didn't like her. Not "her" but her character. One of Emily's favorite movies is The Parent Trap, with Lindsay Lohan, the cute guy and Natasha Richardson. I LOVED her in this movie. It's gotten to the point that we all watch it when it is on, no matter how many times we've seen it.

It is just so sad that something so bizarre took her life. It has been said that she had a minor fall and by looking at her, you would never know anything happened. To put this in English, she developed a bleed and clot between the membrane of her brain and the skull. It pressed inward on her brain and basically killed her.

After going through some websites and seeing what people were saying, one man said he bought helmets for his kids, but because he is older, he doesn't need one. HELLLOOOOOO? The woman was 45 years old! Kids heads are bigger because they are growing. Adults brains start to shrink after a period of time, which leaves MORE ROOM in your skull for your brain to bounce around. Mr. Man doesn't seem to get it that his brain is like a marble in a tin can. Dork.

Anyway, her death bothered me so much that it actually interrupted my sleep more than once this week. She wasn't my favorite actress by any means. I guess it is just the whole thought of how something so simple can take a life.

On the flip side, I went to the College today to make sure I am on track to eventually apply to Wayne State. So far so good. I am relieved to say I don't have a whole lot of credits that are needed so that is good. Regardless, I am still very excited about this and will continue to move forward in this adventure. I just wish it wasn't at 3... I mean 29 years old! lol.

Have a GREAT weekend Y'all!!

1 comment:

  1. I found the whole thing pretty disturbing too. Not because it makes me feel any sort of personal loss, but because she was 45 and had two younger kids and because it was such a simple accident.
