Thursday, July 31, 2008


I feel so bad. The Tigers traded Pudge. Oh don't get me wrong, I don't feel bad for Pudge at all. My heart breaks for Joey.

Joey LOVES baseball. Joey plays baseball. For Joey, the sun rises and sets with baseball.

Joey is our friends 10 year old son. I remember, not too long ago, as much as he LOVED Pudge, he could not say Rodriguez to save his life. It always came out "Ronriguez". Yet he LOVED Pudge.

Yesterday I heard about the trade at work. At first I was shocked, but immediately I thought - I wonder how Joey took the news?

When I arrived home, I talked to Den and asked him if Joey knew about the sudden departure. He found out earlier that Joey was so upset, he started crying, ran up to his room, and immediately wanted all of his Pudge things OUT of his room. Pudge and The Tigers broke Joey's heart.

Of course, I started to cry. I felt horrible for Joey. Like baseball, the sun rose and set with Pudge "Ronriguez" in Joey's eyes.

With this, I hope that Joey finds comfort somehow. His little 10 year old world just got rocked.

Auntie Val loves you Joey. My heart breaks for you... Not Pudge.

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