Monday, March 24, 2008

Amazing Grace

As you saw from my previous post, I made my Holy Communion and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil. It was an amazing experience. The 2 hour ceremony started with the church lights out, and Father Mike Cooney up in the choir loft. He lit a fire, then proceeded to mark and light the 5' Easter Candle. He then carried it down the stairway, with the alter servers behind him. As the RCIA group stood lining the aisle, he stopped in the middle of the church, and let us light our candles. We all then proceeded to walk and light the candles down the aisles. Shortly after, the entire church was glowing, only by candle light. Candles held by the parishioners. It was amazing.

It was also the fastest 2 hours of my life. When the RCIA members receiving the sacrament of Baptism went up - the violins started playing, and the water was pouring. The gentleman in front of me went up, and I started to cry. He is a recovering alcoholic that has been working on his addiction, and his marriage. I wish him the very best in his life. As the water poured over his head, I prayed that he is strong in his recovery, and that it will work out between himself and his beautiful wife (who sat beside him). I prayed that he is strong willed and that he will be successful in pulling it all back together again.

The rest of us followed the Baptism and stood in the santuary, facing the pews. I looked at my dad, and saw him cry, and I cried too. As I stood there, the moment I had waited my entire life for, was happening. It was one of the most moving moments of my entire life.
One that I will NEVER forget.


  1. Awesome Val! I will never forgot going to my sister in law's easter vigil mass and how beautiful the candles were.

    God Bless!

  2. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Wow. What a beautiful experience it must have been.
