Thursday, February 14, 2008

So Happy to be 36!

Yesterday was my birthday. A few days prior, all I kept thinking was... In four years, I'm going to be 40. I'm the youngest in my family of six... and I'm going to be 40. It was sort of sad, because I realized how fast life is passing by.

Then something happened.

On the 12th, I visited my dentist to have some cosmetic work done. She gave me the novocaine injections then waited for a few minutes. Those few minutes seemed to be the longest minutes of my life. Something happened to me. I felt extremely strange. My arms and legs were numb and tingly. My chest felt heavy and my breathing seemed labored. OMG... am I allergic to novocaine? was all I could think.

I suddenly started thinking about life threatening allergies. Unfortunately when someone finds out they are "allergic" to that degree, the consequences are fatal. I remembered giving Emily and Greg kisses that morning as I sent them out the door for school. Would that be the last time I would see them? Would that be their last memory of me?

The tears started streaming down my face. I was suddenly scared that whatever reaction I was having would take me away from them. I had to sit up and regroup. I felt bad for the dentist because I know all too well, that an uncooperative patient can really take it's toll on you as a health care provider. I told her I felt strange, but in my mind, I also thought... am I that nervous about this procedure?

After a few minutes, the bizarre symptoms had passed, and we got on with it.

Yesterday I turned 36. I can't tell you how wonderful I feel that I turned 36. Suddenly the sun is brighter. I am so happy to be ALIVE, no matter what my age is. Truth be told... I still feel like an 18 year old... so it's all good.


  1. Happy Birthday! Piss on numbers. When you are 66 you will look back and think how young you were at
    36. And at 86 you will think 66 was pretty spry. It's all relative!

    Remember how old 30 seemed when you were 15? But then when you got there it didn't really feel that old?

  2. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy b-lated birthday. and yes my blog is up again, check it out.

  4. Happy Happy Birthday!!
