Saturday, March 17, 2007

Lookin' for a Leprechaun!

I'm going to lose it... My mind that is. This week has been the week from HELL! Everyone is getting these horrendous illnesses. Where are they coming from? Are the bacteria and viruses becoming resistant to antibiotics and antibacterial cleaners? This week, Emily went to school on Monday, then proceeded to vomit and have diarrhea the rest of the week. It also included a stay at the Pediatrics Unit at Troy Beaumont Hospital for IV rehydration. I'm telling you... Diarrhea is one thing, but 48 hours straight of vomiting? It makes you gain a whole new appreciation for just having diarrhea. At least you can keep the fluids down!

My week included numerous loads of laundry, catering to her every whim, and trying to comfort her when I was at a total loss. Lucky for us, it all ended for her yesterday.

Fast forward to today... Dennis just came off of a 48 hour shift... He now has the flu. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! He has been in bed all day. I can not believe this. My freshly bleached bathrooms are once again contaminated hazardous zones. Emily is walking on pins and needles. She wanted to leave the moment that she found out daddy has the flu. Can you blame her? Ugh... Cheers to another week in the trenches.


  1. Anonymous8:00 PM

    So glad that Emily is feeling better. Sorry to hear that Dennis is now stricken with it. Hopefully his is more of the 24 hour variety.

    Have a good weekend!
