Tuesday, March 06, 2007

IBS or Cancer?

That is the question of the week. I didn't mean to be so "non-existant" but it's been crazy around here. The most recent developments in the Nut House are with Booster. He has lost some serious weight. I called the vet yesterday and took him in. He went from 17 pounds to 14 within a short period of time.

They drew blood which he was NOT happy about, and took an Xray. Funny how a cat's ribs look tiny compared to an adults. Theirs are match stick thin. His protein was extremely high which they can't figure out. He has an elevated calcium, but not high enough to diagnose him with cancer and he is almost anemic.

They said because of his history of cancer (hence the amputation of the tail) that they think it is cancer. The bizarre thing is that he's acting quite normal. Besides the weight loss, you wouldn't know anything is wrong.

So today they called with some more blood work results which were pretty normal. The vetrinarian that called said she thinks he could also have a severe form of IBS. Hmmm I say, scratching my head.

They said they can put him on cortisone pills twice a day. If it is cancer it will help with any pain he may be having, and it will prolong his life. If he doesn't have cancer, it won't hurt him either. Hmmm...

So today I started feeding him in the kitchen (their bowls are downstairs). This way I can see how often he is eating. He ate quite a bit today, so who knows.

Keep kitty in your prayers. He will be 10 this year. He's definitely too young to go. We got him in September of 1997 when it was just Den and I. He would keep me company while Den was at work. He greets us at the door every time we go out, and he sleeps in the hallway at night to "keep watch". He is my little dude. My boyfriend. Plus he can sit and shake for a treat.


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