Sunday, May 10, 2009

My mom...

My mom was 18 when she married my father, the day after her high school graduation. A few months later, my brother was born. 2 years later, another son, then a daughter, and finally me. My mom was very young, raising a large family. We grew up in the country for most of my life. Living there, I learned about hard work, the beauty of nature, how to handle family conflict, or more like how NOT to handle family conflict.

Through it all, we managed to stay together. While my parents had some rough years, my mom managed to keep the family together, and tried her best to raise her family. All of us kids turned out pretty well I think. We are all homeowners, happily married, and didn't turn out to be drug addicts, wife/husband beaters, or drunks.

Now I look at my parents in awe. There was a lot of turmoil in our lives, yet my mom still managed to provide a nurturing environment. In one case, she saved my brothers from being punished because one of them put their foot through a wall. She just moved her curio cabinet over in front of it, and shortly after the entire family went up north for a vacation. It wasn't until after we returned, that she confessed to my Dad, who still wasn't happy. She did this so that we could still enjoy a very much needed vacation.

Sometimes I think my mom's heart is so much bigger than her brain. She is way too generous to people, yet forgets that she and my Dad are now on a limited income. Today on Mother's Day I rushed out of there with my kids because she started giving them things. While I'm sure she was doing out of her own good nature, I personally don't need another thing in my house!

Yet on the way home, I started to realize how much I am like my mother. While we are just barely getting by, I'm thinking of teacher gifts for the end of the year, or of our dear friends, one of which was diagnosed with Leukemia this week. I'm so worried about their financial situation now that he will be off work for more than a year. While we are barely getting by, I am already pulling out everything in my pockets for them because I love them dearly and do not want to see them suffer.

My mom is an amazing woman who's heart may be bigger than her brain, but one thing is certain. When she leaves this earth, the number of people that she has touched, will be immeasurable.

There once was a time when I shuddered at the thought of being anything like her. Now I can only hope that I become half the woman that she is. I hope that my children will grow up to LOVE the Christmas season, and not for the gifts. I hope that I too will be as loving and giving as she is.

Happy Mothers Day.

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