Friday, February 06, 2009


So on the web page, the woman in California who gave birth to octuplets spoke out about it. She said she had 6 embryo's implanted via invitro. They also went on to say that she has been criticized because she is single, unemployed and already has six children.

My question is... If she is unemployed, who paid for the invitro? I thought that was very expensive.


  1. I was wondering that myself. She also said she tried for 7 years to get pregnant with her first baby until the invitro finally worked. She's 33 and had 6 kids before the octuplets. So she had been trying to get pregnant since she was 18 or 19?

    I think there is more to the story than we are hearing.

  2. Just read a bit more of the story on another blog. Plain and simple...she's making a living off the kids. Where else can you get the government to pay you for all your kids.

    As if I weren't paying enough I have to support this idiot! I just hope that the children don't suffer because of this stupidhead!
