Sunday, July 29, 2007

I think I'm crazy...

Or at least my kids think I'm crazy. Then again, I think other people think I'm crazy. At work, I will say to myself out loud, "Am I crazy?" and Paul will pipe up and say, "You need to ask?" Take tonights dinner converstation with G for instance. E had eaten and left the table, D was out mowing the lawn and it was just G and I. He says, "Where are all the Buzzerts?". I reply, "Buzzert? Don't you mean Buzzards?". He fires back, "No Buzzerts. You said they were called Buzzerts". I promptly state, "I don't like it when you do that... You and E are always telling me things that I KNOW I DIDN'T SAY". G then responds with, "Are you CRAZY?!"

Yes G... Indeed I am. I am a Putterlette. (My parent's are known as The Putters, and no one is crazier than they are) Huggs and kisses Momma if you're reading this!

1 comment:

  1. The ironic part about it is that the kids are what make you crazy! I'm a lot crazier now than I was a year and a half ago.
