Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Bat Wings...

Yesterday at work I told a coworker that I feel flacid. The look on her 25 y/o face and the laugh that followed was priceless. Then I explained to her that since I turned ahem... 39 again, I feel really old. My muscles feel like they are getting flacid at break neck speed. My joints stiffen up after sitting for a nano second, etc. 

Where do I start? Jumping jacks? Push ups?? Seconds after bringing it up, our fearless leader walks up and says, "I'd like to start doing Yoga". Yoga... Why didn't I think of that? I used to do yoga all the time. So with that I went online and found a class this morning. Yoga in the Park. What could be better than that! 

Unfortunately I never made it. Bad pizza had me and the chitlins up all night. At least my abdomen doesn't feel so flacid now. ;)

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