Six days sans Facebook and I'm still going strong. I actually don't even think about it anymore. Yeah, I miss my close friends posts and ultimately that will be the thing that draws me back in time. I know this is odd but even thought I didn't post on my wall every day, I felt really "exposed" even being on there. You know, because having an online blog isn't exposure enough. I felt like people knew too much about me. I have nothing to hide but like my privacy. Since deactivating, I feel liberated oddly enough.
You never realize how much time you spend on Facebook until you are not on it. I challenge all of you dear readers, take a week off. Notice how many times you start heading "there". It takes a good 24 hours to break that habit.
To fill my time, I have started using Pinterest more and I have brought out my crochet needles once again.
I am a huge fan of Pinterest. I have had huge success with many ideas I have come across on there however today's adventure was a bit more interesting. Let me start by saying that this summer has been awful on my hair. I may not always have the best hair days, but I am a fanatic about not having dry hair. Nothing freaks me out more than a head of hay. Hay. That's exactly what my hair feels like right now.
Off to Pinterest we go to search "Hair Repair". Out of the many pins I found, I settled on the vinegar/ baking soda/ water concoction.
First off, there wasn't enough of the recipe to completely cover my locks. Second, it fizzed up big time when I added the vinegar to the baking soda. Regardless, I poured it on, rubbed it in distributing it the best I could and attempted to wait the suggested ten minutes.
For someone who has skin allergies to certain products, this was one of those times I probably should have "spot tested" to check for a reaction. Within five minutes, my neck was erupting! I had little spots on the sides of my neck that felt like they were on fire. Ooops! lol!
I wasn't able to wait the whole ten minutes but I will say this... IT WORKED. I felt it in the shower as I rinsed my hair. Even more, I felt it when combing my wet hair. So far so good.
My next adventure... deep conditioning. I'm not sure if I should go avocado/mayo route or in a different direction all together. So many pins, so little time...