Friday, April 13, 2007

The Glass is FULL

When I was little and heard the phrases regarding the glass being half full or half empty, it really got me thinking. People make up these things, but not a lot of people stop to think of "What does it REALLY mean?" I decided at that moment that I was going to be a "half full" type of person. I still am to this day and I take pride in it. In the grand scheme of things, things can be a whole hell of a lot worse. Count your blessings.

Yesterday I decided that I am incredibly lucky to work at the Urgent Care. I wanted it so badly. Even way back in the early days when the property was just a field, and the hint of a building being erected, floated through the departments at the hospital. We were all a buzz hoping and wishing for an Urgent Care to be built on that spot. How ironic that not only would I get my wish, but my very own physician would be the one opening it. Even more ironic that he would ask me personally to come work there.

Let me tell you... I LOOOOOOVVVVEEEE my job. I can't believe I actually get paid to work there. I've decided that having lunch & dinner brought to us every day is really a huge perk. Especially since it's from all our favorite restaurants! I try to make wise food choices, but when they brought in Andiamos, all bets were off! So not only do I get paid to work there, I save money by having my meals provided, PLUS they bring in such an abundance of food, that last week alone, I didn't have to cook dinner on 2 different days! We have great conversations, lots of laughs and with spring break... it has been so slow that I actually got paid to watch Grey's Anatomy last night.

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