I met an interesting woman last week. It was Friday at Emily's softball practice. Her daughter is on the same team. Last week's topic of discussion... Liver & Gall Bladder cleansing done at home.
I was totally enthralled in this discussion. I find it shocking that with the right "recipe", you can get your gallbladder and liver to purge nasty stones and other "stuff". At the same time, it sounds horrifyingly scary. I took this new information to work with me on Saturday and spoke to one of the doc's. It was a GREAT conversation and once again, makes me so happy to work where I do. You get sound medical advice, in a very casual atmosphere w/o making an appointment. Dr. Steffan's advice?
Be careful of your electrolytes and send me the recipe. Today she brought me the recipe for it. It sounds actually fairly easy, but sounds like it takes your body through a wild ride. I'm almost too afraid to do it, but am interested to see what my liver and gall bladder may be holding on to. The woman has the most pure skin I have EVER seen. It is absolutely radiant. It is so fair, and clean. Just looking at her, you know she has it together. Not to mention that she does "healing energy work" (Today's conversation topic).
The entire conversation started after Kim and I were discussing my new job. The woman overheard us talking. When she came to talk with me, she said that she is a patient of one of one of the doc's in our group. He is fully aware of her gallbladder cleanse, in fact, he knew exactly which recipe she was going to use, as he too is into holistic healing. This is the part that they don't tell you...
We have been going to Silver Pine Family Physicians since 2000. We see Dr. Kotsonis who is a D.O. He is now my boss. He is the only D.O. in the group. I chose him because of his medical degree. A D.O is a Doctor of Osteopathic medicine. They like to use other methods of healing rather than to hand out pills fist over cuff. He has been awesome in this capacity, even doing my neck and back adjustments periodically. Dr. Thibault (pronounced Teebow) is the woman's doctor. He is the one that likes holistic remedies. Never... in all the years that I have known these physicians, have I EVER known them to be into alternative therapies. Yet now that I work there... I am "learning". One physican in particular injured his finger, causing him to get a nail fungus. He firmly believes that taking Lamisil for the recommended period of time, absolutely leaves a little "something" behind in your liver. Hmmm I wonder if that could be "cleansed" out???
The moral to my story? Don't be so quick to jump into a pill bottle. When you have a little something going on, ask your doctor what "other" remedies they think would work prior to popping the pills. Plus hit the internet for some "tips". As always do what your Doc tells you to, but you may be surprised... what they don't tell you is that they too are all about natural cures when warranted.