Wednesday, May 05, 2010


What are your weaknesses? I'm sure you've all been asked this question during job interviews. I never know how to answer it. However in my short stint with the hospital one has reared it's ugly head. Prisoners. I have NOTHING for them. Zero. No compassion, no caring. Nothing. I go through the motions taking vital signs, drawing blood and that's it. The prisoners come in from correctional facilities for medical treatment. They come in for health problems and for other things, including the ingestion of items that shouldn't be eaten.

In my profession, we are supposed to treat all people equally and with dignity. It is virtually impossible for me to do this when every shred of my being is telling me this person is a dirtball, thug, and is incarcerated for something pretty major, including murder. Today while doing vital signs on one of these "patients", one of the guards stood up and came to the side of the bed. Seeing this huge, brick shit house of a guy stand guard totally rattled my cage. I watched carefully while taking el creepo's temperature just in case he may have the sudden urge to lunge forward and bite my hand off. These people are creepy beyond all get out.

Is my behavior irrational? It is blatantly obvious that I would have NEVER done well in law enforcement.

1 comment:

  1. If you haven't, pick up the book The Shack. It helped me bring a different light to dealing with issues as you described. I struggled with forgiveness issues, especially when it came to higher/complex issues of serial killers, rapists, sexual abusers, terrorists, etc. I had many questions from a spiritual sense on how these people were also forgiven by a higher power in the same sense that I was.

    On a lighter note, my weaknesses also pertain to the demonic forces of chocolate chip cookie dough, coffee, and pasta! I've yet to find a book that helps overcome these!

    Happy Mother's Day :-)
