Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The News

One thing I love about traveling is watching the News in other cities. Seeing different faces tell of different stories actually confirms, "Yes... you are not at home" There is just something about it that makes me a bit giddy.

In our house we watch either WXYZ (ch 7), WDIV (ch 4), or Fox (2). Watching Fox is like watching paint dry. You know it is a slow news day when they pick up the newspaper and proceed to read it to you. Or when they cook. GAWD I HATE it when they cook. Cooking should NOT be on the news. There is a whole network devoted to that. Regardless, the airheads on Fox get on my last nerve so I would rather watch anything else... but that.

Lately I've been watching WMYD TV 20. I'm not sure why. I can tell you that watching an unfamiliar channel and catching the news is like being on vacation. Different faces telling somewhat different stories. That's just my .02 cents.


  1. I pretty much only watch the cable news anymore or listen to the XM cable news. I can't stand the local news anymore. All they ever report on is murder, mayhem and corruption in the city and Kwame (wait that is murder, mayhem and corruption!)

  2. The local news teams here are so annoying and so stuck in 1982 that it makes me long for FOX 2! Imagine that!
