Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The News

One thing I love about traveling is watching the News in other cities. Seeing different faces tell of different stories actually confirms, "Yes... you are not at home" There is just something about it that makes me a bit giddy.

In our house we watch either WXYZ (ch 7), WDIV (ch 4), or Fox (2). Watching Fox is like watching paint dry. You know it is a slow news day when they pick up the newspaper and proceed to read it to you. Or when they cook. GAWD I HATE it when they cook. Cooking should NOT be on the news. There is a whole network devoted to that. Regardless, the airheads on Fox get on my last nerve so I would rather watch anything else... but that.

Lately I've been watching WMYD TV 20. I'm not sure why. I can tell you that watching an unfamiliar channel and catching the news is like being on vacation. Different faces telling somewhat different stories. That's just my .02 cents.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

What I Want

A Lemon candle that smells like lemon. NOT lemon cream.

Real Maple Syrup from a local that doesn't cost an arm and a leg to buy.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Morning in the Life of...

6:49 am - Mollie wimpers from her crate at the end of my bed. "Lay down!" tell her.

6:50 am - alarm goes off. You've GOT to be kidding.

6:50:25 am - Mollie blows the doors off of the cats in the hallway, running for the back door.

6:51 am - Mollie damn near breaks the bell off the door trying to get outside before she poops her pants.

6:53 am - Let Mollie back in. Chase her out of cats bowl. Feed all of the above.

6:55 am - Make coffee, turn on channel 7. Say Good Morning to Eric Smith.

7:00 am - wake up the kids. Smooch all over Greg's neck while he giggles pretending to sleep.

7:15 am - wake kids up again. More Smooches

7:30 am - wake kids up again, singing "Going down the Cat Walk... You'll be having a ball... cat walk" (If they are not in the car by 8:02, the have to walk down the catwalk to the school).

7:45 am - ask 15 times what they want for breakfast.

7:55 am - argue with Greg to STOP TALKING and eat.

8:00 am - tell them to stop screwing around in the bathroom, and brush their teeth.

8:05 am - whew... don't have to deal with parking lot (insert catwalk here)

8:10 am - ask them if they plan on going to school today.

8:11 am - leave. Drop off at you know where.

8:13 am - come back home.

8:14 - 9:00 am - catch up on GMA and ENJOY the silence. 7 hours until chaos begins again.

Sunday, March 07, 2010


For those of you who wish you had the time to get things done, I implore you to take a class. Take a class that consumes so much of your time, that you can't do anything else. When it is over... you will find that you had plenty of time to get things done. You just didn't see it. :)

My english class is over. I am just waiting on my final grade. On May 24th, I start Anatomy & Physiology. The final class needed before taking the HESI test and applying for the nursing program. I plan to use the time between now and then, to get things done... now that I see that I have time, lol.

Friday, March 05, 2010

If only we could escape...

If only we could escape...
Originally uploaded by janula48
LOL, this is a riot!

Monday, March 01, 2010

What Planted the Seed

Did I ever tell you that I collect cookbooks? My Aunt Valerie gave me this one back in 1998. Dennis and I had been married one year. The other night while working on my meal plan for March, I pulled it out. I started going through it, and was overcome by the history within the pages.

This cookbook is from the Washigton Historical Society. Washington Township is where Dennis works as a firefighter/paramedic.
I love it when my cookbooks are inscribed. When I see this, I am flooded with memories of that time. I run my finger over the impression that the pen left on the paper.

If you can read the Preface, you will see that it was made in 1994. Dennis and I were only dating. He had just gotten onto the Fire Department. It is amazing how fast 16 years can go by.

Did you ever see 13 Going on 30? There is a part in the movie where Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo (total hottie) are swinging on a swing set, and are competing to see who can jump the furthest. The winner has to pay for dinner on Friday night and an Orange Julius. I always wanted to know what an Orange Julius was... and now I do. And now I want one too.

Glog. What the hell is glog? It sounds like something that someone would cough up into a tissue.

Anyone up for this challenge??

This recipe hit me like a ton of bricks. Mrs. George Atkins. Do you call yourself by Mrs. _______? No. We go by Valerie Milobar, or _________
Life has gotten so informal. (rant o' rama coming) What the hell is with people wearing pajama pants in public? Seriously people?? Have a little common decency. Church. Have you been to church lately? Did you see what they wear to church? Ok... need to refocus.

I LOVE the history at the top of this recipe. These people are long gone, but their family has not forgotten them.
Ultimately I love the typing on the recipe cards. There was no spell check, dictionary.com or anything like we have now. I will admit that I love my computer and that I can go over something ten-fold before sending it out with horrific errors on it. But the typewriter. Remember how if you pushed too many keys at once, the arms would get stuck up in the air and you would need to unjam them?
Aaahhhhh history.